How to Make Your Social Media Posts Work?

The popularity of social media has made every consumer content creator. Everyone has something to contribute to social media marketing. They also have their unique opinion on social media marketing. While some better suggest ways to know your audience, others are emphasizing the need to create great content. Not even half of these, however, would have implemented some of these best practices that they preach.

Another observation: Everybody thinks social media marketing is about capturing peer attention. Is that so? Not really.

In reality, Social Media for business is very different from those updates that you share with your friends and family members on Facebook. It all boils down to one thing – the value that you provide in your shared content.

There are many social media marketers who may promise you maximum exposure on various platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. But is that all you want?

Ok, let us assume that you did get viral through your social media agency. What next? Do you think people will stick around after they have seen your post? If you are not actually providing any value, you will end up losing all that attention that you gained, quickly.

Social media marketing is not being in the short game. It is about providing value – the real value.

The problem with social media today is that everyone wants to be a superstar. They want everyone to like, praise and share their posts, even if they are not exactly being honest. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that anymore. It is no more a place where you can keep promoting yourself over and over again. You do that and you will only end up annoying people.

Social media is one platform that you can use to connect with your customers directly and provide them with some real value. Once in a while, you do get entitled to ask for something in return.

So, how exactly do you provide this real value?

Understand the Pain Points

Real value varies from person to person. It all depends on what their pain points are. And unless you make an effort to understand the pain points of your audience, you will not be able to provide them that real value. So next time you start work on social media marketing, try and find out what your audience is struggling with. Understand what they actually need instead of going on and on about how awesome your brand is. Instead of stuffing your social media posts with pictures of your products, make them about addressing the pain points of your audience.

Put your audience ahead of your brand

Social Media Marketing

Your brand may mean a lot to you, but it means nothing to your audience. If you want to be a brand that survives tomorrow you will have to keep your ego aside and start putting people first. Make your posts and videos about real people with real voices in your industry. Have them emphasize the pain points of your audience and explain ways of troubleshooting. Make it about how you can help them instead of making a direct pitch and telling them why they need to choose you.

Always trust your readers/followers

Many brands make the mistake of making their social media posts 90% promotional and 10% value-providing. It should be the other way round. Concentrate 90% on providing value. Then you can focus 10% of your efforts on asking your audience something in return. Make your social media marketing strategies about building customer loyalty. The sales will close automatically.

At Adaan we believe in adopting a value-driven approach to social media marketing. It would be easy for us to create promotional social media posts for you. But we know they won’t lead to conversions unless they provide some real value to your audience.

7 Ways to Generate Leads From Your Landing Page

It’s an age-old given – if you want to increase your sales you will have to start generating leads. And what best way to generate leads than create a landing page.

But do you know how to use your landing page to generate authentic leads for your business?

Here are a few tactics that you can use:

Offer Free Trials

There is nothing like offering a free trial to drum up your business. Who wouldn’t want to use a product or service if they are getting it free of cost? If it involves giving up some of their details they might do it happily.

Work it out with your finance, marketing, and sales teams and figure out how you can go about offering a free trial. Make sure the offer comes with an expiry date. Use online ads to promote your trial. Once people try out your product or service, make it a point to obtain their feedback through personalized email messages.

Let Them Ask for an Insta-Quote

The first thing that a potential customer would want to know about your service is the price. And if you are offering personalized services your pricing may differ from customer to customer depending upon their needs. In such a case it would be best to use your landing page to showcase the benefits of your services, so that your prospects can take the action that you want them to take – request for a free quote.

Offer Product Catalog for Free

Prospects who may be interested in knowing more about your products or services may benefit by a brochure or a product catalog. You can email it to them for free if they give you their email id and other details that you may require.

Provide Free Daily Tips

If you think you can offer value to your prospects by giving away free daily tips, you could use this very tactic to generate leads from your landing page. These tips could be in the form of blog articles or interesting videos that can provide useful information to the readers.

Offer Free Ebooks

One of the most common marketing tactics in B2B as well as B2C lead generation field is giving away free ebooks. If you can create an email-gated landing page to give away your free ebook, you should be able to generate maximum leads for your business. Start working on creating a valuable ebook for your prospects. Within no time you will see them become your customers. Such an ebook will also help in establishing you as an authority in the industry.

Offer Exclusive Memberships

This would be an excellent way not only to generate leads but also to build loyalty among your customers. Come up with some exclusive membership packages for your best customers. You can use your landing page to make them sign up. You could give some incentives in the form of discounts, coupons, behind-the-scene videos, or even first-hand information about your new products or offers.

Reward Your Customers for Referring Friends

Getting your customers to spread the word about you is the best marketing technique you could use to acquire new customers and establish your brand image. You could set up a referral program and start giving discounts to those who bring in five new customers to you. You could deepen these discounts for every additional new client they bring to you. An email-gated landing page would be an excellent tool to engage with your passionate customers.

It is not too hard to generate leads. All that you would need is a smart marketing strategy and a customer-centric landing page. We, at Adaan, have been creating exclusive landing pages that generate authentic leads for our clients. Get in touch with our experts to find out what we can do to your business in terms of making your landing page, simply sizzle.

Small Business Mobile App – Is it for you?

Would a mobile app make sense to my small business?

This could have been the one question you may have asked yourself a hundred times. The answer is simple – if you want to be accessible to your customers 24/7 and offer them an excellent mobile experience, you will definitely need a mobile app.

With online activity shifting to mobile, having an online presence is no longer sufficient. Mobile apps are crucial for all businesses, small, medium or large. If you thought mobile apps were only for the biggies and that there were no such things as small business mobile apps, think again.

In a survey of 351 small businesses conducted by Clutch, it was revealed that…

  • 42% small businesses already have their own mobile apps while 30% of the rest are thinking of building theirs in the near future.
  • 55% small businesses that are owned by millennials have mobile apps.

Millennials understand the power of mobile apps since most of them check their phones at least once in an hour. Unlike baby boomers, millennials trust software programs and mobile apps to solve their problems, be it about paying their bills, buying their movie tickets, or making their reservations at a restaurant. This only means one thing – Small business mobile apps are going to be widely accepted in the future.

Small business mobile apps

The best part about mobile app is the push notification that you can send to your customers. Through these updates you can remind them to check out from their carts, notify them about new offers, and send them discount coupons that they can use on their next purchases. Push notifications are great, when they get read, no matter what they are about. 30 to 60% smart phone users open their push notifications and at least 40% of these interact with the app, instantly.

When it comes to providing value to your customers, small business mobile apps can work wonders. They can get any information they want about your business by using a mobile app. On the flip side, you too draw more loyal customers to your fold, who will come back to you again and again.

Last but not the least; you get to improve your customer engagement, while standing out from your competitors. It is obviously a win-win situation.

Small Business

Getting a mobile app built for your small business is no big deal. You can easily find a mobile app development company to do it for you. But before you make your decision, there are a few things you need to do:

  • Identify the touchpoints along your customer’s journey that you can enhance through your mobile app.
  • Establish clear goals that you want to achieve through your mobile app. It could be about building customer loyalty or increasing sales.
  • Set metrics based on your goals and check what qualifies to you, as success.
  • Deploy a simple version of the app on a trial basis. If this works, you can think of developing it by hiring the services of a professional mobile app development company.

Your competitors may not have entered into the world of mobile marketing yet. But remember there is nothing that can stop them from doing so. So, if you are the first in your industry to decide on small business mobile apps, you need not hold yourself back. As a mobile app development company, we at Adaan have created many customized mobile apps for small businesses; and so far, none of them have regretted their decision. We are very sure you won’t either.

Why you should stop selling on Amazon and build your own E store?

Rather than investing in your own E store, it seems definitely more convenient to sell your products via Amazon’s marketplace. After all, Amazon already has a huge reach and drives maximum traffic to your listings once you source the product.

With a fantastic infrastructure and readymade customer base in place, you can start making money within a short span of time.

But how long can you shrug off the responsibility of branding yourself?

Also, are you aware that there are only certain kinds of products that can be sold on Amazon?

With your own ecommerce website, not only can you sell any product of your choice, you can also throw in better features and implement more efficient strategies to establish your brand as unique.

Amazon and other marketplaces are good only for a short-term. These can help you generate revenue until you have established yourself as a brand. But in the long run it would be a better idea to have your own branded website.

With the help of a professional online store builder like Adaan, you can get your online store built the way you want, in no time at all.

But let’s first discuss some of the benefits that you stand to draw from setting-up your own e store:

Better Brand Equity


Most people who buy on Amazon have no idea how many sellers are listed on the Amazon platform – virtually thousands in each category. When they make a purchase, they often imagine they are buying the items directly from Amazon. They don’t realize they are buying from a vendor and consequently, can’t differentiate between Vendor A, B or C. For them, all are Amazon vendors.

This kind of a situation can mean only one thing – if you have been selling on Amazon, you enjoy no brand equity. So, if you are looking to build up your brand equity, the only way to go about it is set-up your own E store.

A Solid Customer Base

Amazon, for sure, has a huge customer base. But as a seller, you have no access to this database. So, there is no way you can connect directly with your customers. On the other hand, if you have your own branded ecommerce website, you will have all the details on every customer who has ever purchased your products, and transacted business with you.

  • You will know who they are, what they have bought and how much they have spent till now.
  • You will have all the details that you would ever need, about their preferences and shopping patterns.
  • Imagine what you can do with all this information on hand…
  • You can implement millions of strategies to drive sales.
  • You can notify your customers whenever there is an upcoming sale.
  • You can create special promotions for customers who have bought a specific product.

You can make use of this personal database in any manner you want for any kind of a future marketing campaign or promotion. What’s more, you can personalize your marketing strategies to make your communication even more relevant to your customers

Having your own E store offers endless possibilities to generate revenues and maximize your returns. More importantly, it is something that you will have absolute control of.

Effective and Exclusive advertising Opportunity


Of course you have the option to purchase ads for your Amazon listings. But by doing so, you will only be building up on Amazon’s brand; not yours. Also, there is no way you will be able to track your conversions. Having your own ecommerce website will empower you to buy your own advertising and drive traffic to your own website. Moreover, since you are not going to pay any fees to anyone, the profit that you generate would all be yours.

Option to Generate B2B Sales

Amazon is a great hit among individual buyers. But many B2B customers shy away from this option, especially if they are looking for consistent quality and extra hand-holding with their customers. B2B customers buy products in bulk at consistent intervals. Since they provide stability to your sales they are extremely valuable to your business. With an E store built for your business, you can have an entire database of B2B customers and treat them like royalty. You can even personalize and customize your products according to their preferences, and go that extra mile in providing consistently good quality service.

Improved Product Flexibility

With no listing procedures to follow, you can enjoy great product flexibility when you sell through your own ecommerce website. If you think your product can sell better with a video alongside its listing, you can do that on your E store. You can add your own customization options for your products, and let them change dynamically based on your customers’ choice. You can address the queries and help your customers make their decisions instantly through live chat.

It might take a little while longer to start your own ecommerce website when compared to selling on Amazon; but the rewards from this strategy makes the investment totally worthwhile. If it is about generating your own traffic don’t be worried at all. Right from building your ecommerce store to optimizing it on the search engines, you can get all the help that you need from Adaan.

All that you need to do is get in touch with us and give us your requirements. Then sit back and watch us pull in the traffic to your site – Hurray!

How much should you spend on social media marketing?

As per reports by eMarketer and Forrester Research, an average firm blows up about 41% of their marketing budget on online marketing. Out of this, 25% is generally allocated to social media marketing. With 90% of social media users using Facebook as their preferred platform, it is worthwhile to concentrate your efforts on Facebook marketing.

If the goal is to drive traffic to your website, Facebook is the best platform to choose. Not only will you be able to drive maximum traffic, you can also make sure that traffic is of high quality by targeting specific audience on the basis of their demographic profile and interests. For instance, if you are a baby clothes retailer you may promote your posts by targeting mothers of children aged between 0 and 2 years. To get maximum results you need to spend at least $10 per week, to promote your posts.

Hiring one of the best social media marketing services to create compelling posts would also be a wise decision. However, unless you invest money on boosting those posts, it can be of no use to you. Another thing that you would need here is a compelling social media marketing strategy. With one such strategy in place, you can assure maximum returns on your investments.

social media marketing

Spending $10 per week on Facebook marketing can be a good way to test what would work and what may not, without losing much of your money. Once you are clear on what you should be spending on, you can increase your budget, after measuring your ads and tracking your conversions. Don’t be like those authors who write great books that are never read by anyone. It is time to get smarter.

There is no rule that says you have to make one post every day on social media. If you can come up with a Facebook post that adds value to your readers’ life and provides the maximum bang for your buck, you could do with just one post per week. Put in as much efforts as possible on that one post and promote it in the best way you can. This should give you the results you are looking for.

One other thing that you will have to keep in mind while promoting your posts through social media marketing is to figure out a way to capitalize the paid traffic that you get from Facebook. Creating an impressive landing page and driving traffic to that can help you capture a good amount of leads that you can use to increase your customer base.

media marketing

Posts that encourage conversations can be an excellent way to engage with your customers. You can prompt your users to answer a question and you will be amazed at the kind of response you would get. Don’t forget to reply to those comments for this is the best way to improve your conversions.

Organic social media marketing can generate only 1 or 2% of the traffic. But if you can maximize this traffic by spending just $10 a week through Facebook marketing, why not go for it? As one of the expert social media marketing services, Adaan can create a compelling social media strategy for you, based on your requirements and goals. With the right amount allocated, you are sure to see a dramatic difference in your results!

Waiting to Launch Your Ecommerce Website?

Here is what you need to know

The number of digital buyers across the globe now totals up to 1.66 billion. It is expected to reach 2.14 billion by 2021, according to various industrial sources. Such a huge market is worth targeting, but do you know what it takes to sell your products online through your ecommerce website?

Have you decided on your web hosting service and domain name?

Do you have any idea how various payment gateways work?

Things can get quite confusing and even scary, especially if you are trying to start an ecommerce website for the first time. Seek the help of a professional online store builder that can make it seem like an absolute cake walk.

But before you hire a professional ecommerce website builder, you must understand what you are getting into, and this is what this article is about.

When it comes to setting up your business online, there are four main challenges – Technology, Marketing Support, Payment Processing, and Logistics.

Technological challenges pertain to the medium through which you would be reaching out to your target audience – your website, your dashboard and your back-end operations. With smartphones holding more than 57% of the share of retail website visits share across the world, you may want to focus on mobile users while designing your website. With Adaan as your ecommerce website builder, this challenge can be well-taken care of.

Next comes marketing support. You may have to figure out how to drive traffic to your website and convert your visitors into your customers. It is all about the kind of digital marketing strategy you adopt. At Adaan, we can help you come up with a perfect ecommerce solution after assessing your requirements and goals.

Third one is payment processing, which is all about figuring out the different payment modes and gateways that you have to establish at your business ecommerce website. This depends mainly on the preferences of your target audience. Ideally, you should be giving them all the options – net banking, mobile wallet, credit/debit card etc.

The last challenge is logistics. Once the purchases are made, the items would have to be delivered. You may therefore have to make arrangements for shipping your products. If ‘Cash on Delivery’ is one of your payment modes, you may have to figure out how you would receive your payment.

Here are a few tips that you would want to follow, to make sure things go smooth with the setting up of your ecommerce website:

E-commerce store

Have a detailed business plan

Planning is one of the most important things when it comes to opening an online store. You may have to cover every aspect of your business, come up with a fool-proof strategy, and decide on the platform on which you would be developing and launching your ecommerce website.

Understand every aspect of your business

A thorough understanding of your business and your products / services is crucial for the success of your online store. You will have to gain complete knowledge about the requirements and preferences of your target audience. You will also have to do a thorough competition analysis before you step into the market. This includes comparing your ecommerce website with that of your competitors, figuring out their advertising and customer-service strategies, and getting details about their pricing.

Engage with your customers

Providing exceptional customer experience is the key to the success of any online business. This requires you to understand your customer expectations, which is best done by engaging with your customers through various social media platforms. Step into their shoes, figure out what they are looking for, and see how best you can serve them to increase their loyalty towards your business.

Promote your Ecommerce website

Unless you start promoting your ecommerce website you cannot expect to drive sales. Here are a few simple things you can do to promote your online store:

  • Link up your website with your Facebook profile
  • Enable social sharing for your products, so that your customers can share them on their social media profiles.
  • Add your customers to your email marketing lists so that you can notify them about your new products or offers.

Surviving and becoming profitable in the online space is only getting tougher by the year. If you are waiting for the right time to launch your ecommerce website, the time is now. Get in touch with us to find out how to go about.

Why is WordPress the World’s Favourite CMS?

Had you asked this question a couple of years ago, the answer would have been “…because it lets you create a blog.”

That is not exactly wrong.

Six years down the lane, WordPress (WP) is still trying its best to come across as more than just an online, self-publishing platform.

This became clear in May 2003 itself, when WordPress (Version 0.70) came out. By 2016, with version 4.4, WP had transformed into a full-fledged CMS (Content Management System) platform. Soon it started hosting websites of some of the biggest brands in the world.

To this day, WP is anything but a bland publishing system that lets you type on its interface. In fact, there is nothing bland about WP. As a super-friendly, versatile, CMS, WP is now used by over 7.5 million companies, including some of the Fortune 500 companies such as GM, eBay, and Reuters News, to cite just three.

There is a good reason why Samsung, Best Buy, and BBC America rely so totally on WordPress. In this article, let’s take you through some of its win-win features:

With WP’s CMS webmasters and bloggers can edit their content regularly. No HTML editing software, such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver, is required for this job. In case you don’t know what these are, consider yourself lucky☺.

Further, as an open source software that is licensed under the GPLv2, WordPress is absolutely free to use and modify. You can find the package on WordPress.org.

In addition, WordPress runs smoothly on almost any device. You need just a few minutes to set up WordPress, and you are good to go.

Once set, WordPress is also super easy to maintain and manage.

Another plus – by default, if not design, WP is SEO-friendly and has been optimized for mobile.
It comes with a plethora of themes for further customization, which is an absolute hassle-free task on WP. There are so many plugins available through which you can achieve just about any end look, feel and functionality. You can also get your own customized plugins developed through a professional WordPress Plugin Development service like Adaan.

Updated regularly, WordPress makes for an amazing choice for website development, as blogging is in-built and it comes with an easy-to-use, simple interface, not to forget a large, active community base.

A Word of Caution

Website Development

Although, as a platform, WordPress is SEO-friendly, if you are a first-time user, it’s highly recommended that you take the help of a professional WordPress Website Development service like Adaan, to unlock all these features on your site. In fact, as an expert WordPress Developer, we could even develop customized features for you according to your requirements and specifications.

Undoubtedly, WordPress has come a long way since its launch in 2003. It has every feature to create an amazing website, blog, or even an e-shop for that matter. Its open-source nature makes it a cost-effective alternative even for complex portals.

There is a lot more to learn and understand about WP, which you will do when you get going.

But do you know what’s best about WP?

It’s super easy to get started on and holds endless possibilities, when you are ready to scale up. With a professional WordPress developer like Adaan by your side, you should face no problems getting there.

So, pray what are you waiting for?

Why It Is Better To Get Your Website Built By A Web Developer?

DIY or DIFM? – This is like a Hobson’s choice.

Should I design and develop my website all by myself (Do It Yourself model) or should I hire a professional web developer to Do It For Me (DIFM)?

Every start-up or small and medium business faces this question when it’s trying to migrate its services/products online to bite into a bigger share of the pie.

Indeed, not having a website is no longer an option. Even conventional businesses need to have a web presence for a 360 degree reach.

Thanks to the myriad options available; creating a website now is no rocket science. With so many ready-to-use templates it is possible to create one within a day, if not a few hours. You can code, publish, and have it up and running, all in a day. If you don’t want to go through the hassle, just sit back and relax, while a professional web development company, like Adaan does it for you, of course with a lot more finesse.

Before getting into a discussion of the pros and cons associated with DIY and DIFM process models, let’s first attempt to answer a few questions:

  • What’s the budget you have set aside?
  • How much time do you have to have your site go live?
  • Are you a little bit tech-savvy?
  • Do you need any, specific customizations to be made to the web template that you have selected?
  • What kind of traffic are you eyeing every month?
  • Do you want to wield full control over the look and feel of your site?
  • Are you looking at gaining a competitive edge in business?

An honest answer to these questions should help you make an informed choice. It will give you insights into your functionality, technical requirements, cost, and scalability. It is not only about building but also about maintaining your site.

The DIY Model

Wordpress Developer

Using a DIY website builder would mean creating your website from start to finish, using third-party plugins, and payment processing systems (if it’s an e-commerce site). This model is flexible; but it could be overwhelming, especially if you have absolutely no knowledge of web development tools. Later, you would also have to maintain and update your website without support. And God forbid, if you get stuck, you would have to rush back to a rather expensive web developer for help.


Cost Efficiency: The biggest advantage with doing it alone is that you can do it for little or no cost at all. So if budget is a constraint this could be your option.

Absolute control: Building your website all by yourself would mean having full control over the appearance of your site. You can do it the way you want without worrying about any difference of opinions.


Time-consuming: On the flipside, the technical challenges you may have to face with ready-made templates and bug-fixing can be time-consuming and stressful. Having no experience or knowledge about building websites can multiply these issues.

Limited Functionalities: This could be a major issue for those with no technical expertise. As a result, the site that you build may lack in full functionalities and capabilities.

The DIFM Model


Hiring a professional web development company to build your website from the scratch is an attractive option for those who don’t want to deal with any technical hassles. In exchange for the money that you pay, you get a well-designed website with full-suite features.


Professional Design: With a professional web design company by your side, you can expect a sexy website that holds tremendous potential to appeal to your target audience. This will definitely give you a competitive edge in the market.

Better functionality: You can hope to provide the best user experience to your visitors.

Time-saving and hassle-free: You will no doubt have more time to handle more important aspects of your business.


Cost: The cost factor can be optimized if your service provider is experienced and a seasoned hand in the game. Go for a reputed web design company with a strong track record and several years of experience with multiple tools and technology platforms.

In the end, you may not get to do your website once too often. You are probably going to live with it for at least two to three years. So why not spend on getting a professional job done from a professional web developer like Adaan!

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